Branding – DialoogHuys

DialoogHuys - Branding & Illustration

Dialoog-huys CHALLENGE DialoogHuys is a boutique events and consultancy firm that brings board and C-level executives from across Europe together for networking and new business opportunities. By facilitating open dialogue, knowledge exchange, and cooperation, they help organizations innovate, drive progress, and initiate disruptive change. They came to us looking to develop their brand, something their […]

Book design & production – Relatics

Relatics CHALLENGE Over the past 20 years, Relatics has become the standard for Systems Engineering software in the Netherlands. Their software was designed to help people and businesses better understand the complex challenges they face and solve them in more sustainable ways. They were looking to expand abroad and needed a way to help them […]

Creative campaign concept – CDA

cda CHALLENGE Leading up to the Dutch general election in 2023, the CDA, a centrist party, needed a quick turnaround on an election campaign that would build their awareness and credibility across the Netherlands. We defined the creative direction and concept of this campaign and produced the required material to broadcast it to the public. […]

Social campaign – Blueyse

Social campaign CHALLENGe The ongoing labor market shortage is one of the greatest challenges to organizations across the globe. They’re fighting for new talent, offering bonuses and cars, and paying off student loans as incentives. But what if they focused more on making their recruitment process and workplace more inclusive? For Diversity Week 2023, our […]

Coming soon – The Outside World

The Outside World - Animations

About The Outside World is a consulting and research organisation based in The Netherlands and New York City. They assist companies in aligning with what is going on in today’s fast-changing society. The company was launched on the 28th of August 2023. Their wish was to generate some online traction around the launch.  Solution We […]

Corporate identity – Vreugdenhil

Vreugdenhil - Branding en Design

About Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods is a fast-growing company that wanted a new visual identity that suited its new corporate identity and international market. With their new office, they needed a unique polished identity that matched.  Solution We designed a completely new visual identity inclusive of a logo, stationery, flyers and brochures, branding icons, packaging design, […]

Website development – HPHC

HPHC website design

hphc About HPHC’s wish was a website that highlights service packages quickly to understand. They also wanted to showcase how easy it is to book a driver’s license examination. Besides these basics, they wanted to have a platform where reservations could be made for Driving Licence Inspections. For this, a module was created where preset dates […]

Corporate identity – It’s a rep

about A professional identity, with a wink. At It’s a Rep, they believe that the human aspect should be reflected in their organisation. Like their approach to finding customers, they wanted their visual identity to match as well.  Approach The corporate identity we created included a new logo and colour scheme, own imagery, website, social […]

G-Summit – Genesys

about Genesys is the global leader in customer experience solutions. As a global leader in customer satisfaction, Genesys must be in constant contact with its customers and partners. How is this possible when people are worldwide, from different worlds, and your core business focuses on customer experience?   Solution To make this possible, Genesys creates […]


about The non-profit offers a safe space for women and girls who grow up in the slums of Nairobi. They provide education possibilities so that they can escape poverty, violence, and exclusion. The organization’s wish was to gain global brand awareness with a campaign that showcases their work and the positive effects it has on […]

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